Sunday, November 15, 2009


Those are the first letters of the last names of the families we shot today. This family has become part of our family, not just in the photography sense, but we have actually been invited to family functions! It all started with a hat. Once upon a time I was on my churches softball team. I wore a visor with our company name embroidered on it. Andrea used to work at Lowes and was in charge of the kids craft. One day she made a comment on my hat and how her sister Ashleigh was pregnant and wanted maternity pictures. Maternity, infant, 3, 6, 9 and 12 month pictures of Aiden, Ashleigh and Philips wedding ,pictures with his family and now pictures with her's. Not to forget Harvest pictures for Andrea's lil guy and beach pictures for their family last year. They are probably our most documented family! And we couldn't be happier that they chose us to capture their greatest memory's! Here's to many more years and millions more photo's! Enjoy!!


I really like this picture for a couple of reasons. A)These are FABULOUS shoes! B) Ashleigh climbed rocks in these shoes! Without help!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love them!!!! U ladies r amazing!!!!!

the Seder,Easley and Espeleta families!!!