Friday, March 12, 2010

My lil guy

They say that doctors kids are always sick and dentists kids always have cavities. It’s not true that all photographers kids are under-photographed, but I’d venture to guess, in our home this statement is true. I take lots of candid’s of Cameron, but as a general rule, I normally only take his picture at Christmas and at his birthday. In the past if we purchased a new prop or backdrop, we would normally try it out on Cameron first. In general though, I don’t have him studio much. Truth be told, he really doesn’t care to have his pictures taken in the studio. I normally get a better response out of him if we are outdoors. But because he just had his sixth birthday, I wanted some nice pictures. . . in his suit. Since we were there I decided to take advantage and take lots of other pictures. He was silly, which is part of his appeal. But every once in a while he would give us a great smile. But sometimes, the silly pictures are the best! I can’t believe that he is already six years old!


Unknown said...

Okay Kammy... I think the letters instead of S-I-X need to be H-A-M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the photos in the suits.

Allison said...

LOVE the one of him in the jacket and tie with his hands in his pockets! Who said he could be so grown up!!!